Tuesday, May 30


Where, oh, Where has that Wizard done gone? Where, oh, Where can he be? Not to worry. I am still having a great time without you! This Memorial Day weekend was a fun one; some of my family came to spend the holiday weekend with us. We had an awesome time hanging out, and despite the hot weather, spent a lot of time outdoors. We enjoyed our first official cookout on the deck since moving to this house and it was a blast. Annabelle was quite the attraction, making great strides in crawling ability and language. She even went swimming for the first time! I apologize for not having pictures of the event--the digital camera is currently on the fritz. I should be able to get my hands on some snaps soon so please be patient. Hope you are doing well and having a great night, I have to run. Don't worry, I'll be back sooner this time!

Tuesday, May 23

Guess where we went today Posted by Picasa

Annabelle-go-round Posted by Picasa

Oink! Posted by Picasa

Madison and Jamison a.k.a. little lovebirds Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

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Mom, I'm ready for the beach now Posted by Picasa

Playing in the sandbox Posted by Picasa

Someone likes bathime! Posted by Picasa

Me and my sunbeam Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 21

Over it

Busy day at work today. Short-staffed and slammed. Football game slammed. Sweaty with a headache. Shouldn't have taken that jello shot. Tired and grouchy and icky despite a shower. Ugh, at least it goes by fast. Home at last. Annabelle! Wifey! Doggy! Feeling better. Change clothes and grab the baby. Playtime with the exercise ball. She holds the ball as she stands by herself. Piano time. Giggles all around. Raspberries on the tumtum. Fresh mango for Annabelle. Sit down and relax a minute. Oh yeah, I almost forgot Sopranos tonight! Wifey cooked Italian. I can't wait. Try to stay awake. Blog. Done.

Friday, May 19

this is an audio post - click to play

Marathon Man

Last night I attended the Metropolitan Planning Commission meeting for our town. I made it a priority because there was an issue that concerned our neighborhood as well as just being curious about the whole process. I was impressed with the meeting, although it was extremely long. It started at 7pm and I finally left around 10:45, which was well before the official adjournment. I was tired after 18 holes and a nearly four hour meeting, but it was worth the effort. I was so inspired by the event that I took the time to write a letter to the mayor and alderman. It was neat to see the machinery that keeps the town growing in action. Wifey and I have some errands to run today so I am going to have to continue this later. Hope you all have a beautiful and productive day!

Thursday, May 18

Afternoon Delight

I had a fantastic time today playing golf. My game is a little rusty, but I had a few shots here and there and by the end of the round I was falling back into my old timing and smoothness. The short game suffered the most because I was a little tentative with the lob wedge but the putting was okay. I even drained a fifteen footer! It was great to be back out there and pain free. Fun times. I am getting excited about the tournament next week and hope it will be as much fun as today. Wifey and Annabelle are doing well and had a good day together. I have to run off to a town meeting concerning our subdivision and a proposed convenience store expansion so have a great night and enjoy.

Wednesday, May 17


Today was a challenging day. Work was busy and it took a lot out of me. I was recharged the moment I stepped out of the truck. The sun was shining and Annabelle and Wifey were there to greet me with smiles all around. Annabelle is having a little trouble with the new teeth. She was a little testy today and didn't go to bed easily last night, but she cheered up when she saw her daddy and we three had fun playing before Wifey donned her Trivia Goddess duds and said adieu. I am looking forward to playing golf for the first time in 2006 tomorrow. I know, I know, "WHAT??", you say. Well, between hospital stays, travel, etc. I have not had a lot of opportunities to swing the sticks. That all changes tomorrow. I have to get out there because I am supposed to play in a golf tournament next week and I need to remember how to try to hit little white balls again. Wish me luck. Hope it isn't as challenging as work was today! Good night and god bless.

Sunday, May 14

Welcome back to the blog! Posted by Picasa

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Doggy! Posted by Picasa

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Who, me? Cute? Posted by Picasa

One Hot Mama Posted by Picasa

Hi Mom Posted by Picasa

Happy Mother's Day  Posted by Picasa

Mom and her masterpiece Posted by Picasa

Thanks Ma

Okay, so maybe it has been a few days since I have posted and you are beginning to wonder why my witty banter has stopped flowing. Everything is okay, I just took a little break. Now I am back and ready to blog anew. Since my readership has dropped off a little bit, I am going to use my sure-fire blog traffic booster. That's right, pictures of Annabelle! Today is Mother's Day and what better way to celebrate than by showing off her handiwork. Hope you all remember to call Mom and thank her for everything that she does.

Tuesday, May 9

Miss Mojo Risin'

Annabelle has her first little tooth breaking through her gum. She bit her tongue for the first time and seems completely unaffected by the whole thing. The doc said that since her teeth took this long to come in, they will probably come in all at once. Ouch. She is really changing rapidly and it is unbelievable seeing her holding onto things while holding herself up! We all went for a walk this evening and I stopped to toss the ball to some neighbor kid. I haven't touched a baseball in years. In that brief moment, I was in my childhood again. Tossing it underhand, but not too easy. Imagining what my dad must have felt when we tossed the ball for the first time. Sometimes he would give me a scorcher and my hand would sting just enough to make me laugh. I get excited when I think about doing things with Annabelle. Playing catch, going for walks, hanging out. Will she like sports? Will she have fond memories of her childhood when she becomes a mother? It is amazing to be a parent. Good night.

Monday, May 8

Good Day

Monday. I felt unusually happy when I woke up this morning. I was in a great mood, feeling capital. That feeling continued throughout the day. What causes this euphoric condition? Well, the first thing I did was say good morning to my beautiful wife and goregeous daughter. Then they visited me at work for lunch. Then I saw them again as soon as I arrived home. I am so lucky. Annabelle is a healthy baby, weighing in at almost 19 lbs. She met her new doctor and passed all her tests with flying colors. Wifey is super happy with her new whip and her back is feeling better. No more contortionist training to put the baby in the back seat! I am totally jebous. I gave the other ride a thorough cleaning with help from Wifey. I only got sprayed a few times, and the car looks nice. I am totally sucked into David Blaine, so I have to go!

Saturday, May 6

I was looking back over the blog a few days ago and was surprised to find that I had been blogging for over a year. I remember just starting the blog and thinking to myself "this will get old quickly". The main purpose was to keep family and friends closer through the power of the internet. Over a year later, I hope the blog has begun to accomplish that goal in an interesting way. I am glad to have a creative outlet as well as a written history of our lives, however brief it may sometimes be. I owe you, my readers, a debt of gratitude for continuing to inspire me with your interest. That interest has led this website to grow and improve periodically. I hope you continue to give me a click every now and then to catch up on the happenings in our lives and share yours with us. Thanks for the traffic!

Thursday, May 4


Rats, its not made out of chocolate after all. But THIS is!

Da New Old Truck

I was searching carmax.com and found a 2001 Infiniti QX4 that is made out of pure milk chocolate. Please click on the following hyperlink, or copy and paste it in your web browser to see the vehicle.

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Tuesday, May 2

I got a congratulatory call from our interior redesigner, Tina Shelby-Kahl, today regarding our furniture selections. Apparently her family was as taken with our choices as we are because she said her son and husband were excitedly checking out the pictures on the blog before she could. She said we have wonderful taste, so we will probably forgive all of you who neglected to comment on our selections. Sometimes genius can be overwhelming ;-) The rug for the library arrived today and it looks fantastic. It really sets the room off and gives the floor a little liveliness. I can't wait for our other chair to arrive and complete our first room. The anticipation will continue to build, I am sure, until we can barely stand it. Okay, now I have to revise my previous sentence because one of the furniture companies just called to schedule delivery for two of our pieces on Sunday! Looks like the rooms may be getting decorated sooner than we thought!! Time to go move furniture, gotta run.

Monday, May 1

New beginnings

Good morning blogfans! I am well rested after a good night's repose and looking forward to starting a new week. MIL has been with us the last few days and we have thoroughly enjoyed having her here, as usual. Wifey is taking her to the airport today and then we will be back to our nuclear family. After all the babysitting, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and being generally wonderful, we are not going to know what to do without her! We all enjoyed a fantastic dinner last night courtesy of MIL and Giada de Laurentis. Thanks again for the delish fish! We also got to chat with Dr. Kronski and J-Net yesterday and learned they have taken up a new hobby...kayaking! It sounds like they are enjoying it so far, with more delights to come. On the homefront, Annabelle is doing well and gets bigger by the minute. She has taken to wiggling her head around a la Stevie Wonder. I will try to get a video, if possible. Her dexterity level is greatly improved; she catches the pacifier mid-air and returns it to her mouth in one smooth motion. Wild stuff. I hope you are as excited to start your week and that it is full of surprises.


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