Tuesday, May 9

Miss Mojo Risin'

Annabelle has her first little tooth breaking through her gum. She bit her tongue for the first time and seems completely unaffected by the whole thing. The doc said that since her teeth took this long to come in, they will probably come in all at once. Ouch. She is really changing rapidly and it is unbelievable seeing her holding onto things while holding herself up! We all went for a walk this evening and I stopped to toss the ball to some neighbor kid. I haven't touched a baseball in years. In that brief moment, I was in my childhood again. Tossing it underhand, but not too easy. Imagining what my dad must have felt when we tossed the ball for the first time. Sometimes he would give me a scorcher and my hand would sting just enough to make me laugh. I get excited when I think about doing things with Annabelle. Playing catch, going for walks, hanging out. Will she like sports? Will she have fond memories of her childhood when she becomes a mother? It is amazing to be a parent. Good night.


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