It is done
and now we can celebrate! Hooray and good night.
..but I think I hear the fat lady warming up backstage. I went over to the old house for the last time today to pick up the only remaining belongings from the shed. The neighbors seem excited about the new tenants and we are ready to get a settlement check. Tomorrow at five we will meet to finish the process and sign our old house away. I felt a twinge of nostalgia and sadness looking at our first house for the last time. Wifey does not share that sentiment--in her words "My favorite thing about this house is the SOLD sign in the yard!" All told it was a smooth process and everything went by quickly. Now we can truly relax and enjoy our new home. Today was by far the nicest day of the year and I took full advantage. I mowed our new lawn for the first time and spent some time on the new deck with Wifey. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, but I will believe it when I see it--as they say in the valley, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute!" I just finished watching The Village by M. Night Shyamalan and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I know some critics have given it less than stellar reviews, but I suggest you put all that nonsense aside and watch it with an open mind. I am sure you will enjoy. Don't forget the popcorn!
Today my friend Matt and I retrieved the second to last load of belongings from the old house. I needed a hand because it is not so easy to move a refrigerator alone. However, we found it is really easy with two people. Now all that remains is the bench seat from my truck which will be gone soon and we will be completely finished with the old house....well, not completely. We still have to go to the closing on Friday to finalize the sale and get the long-awaited settlement check--look out furniture stores, we are coming for you! Once this weekend rolls around we should be a bit more relaxed. It has been a whirlwind of changes this year and we could all use the break. The weather is finally taking a turn for the warmer and the next few days should be fabulous and sunny. I am even beginning to think about golf recently, so things must be getting back to normal. Annabelle is getting cuter every day, as evidenced by the most recent pictures. Wifey picked up her new specs today and they look really good on her, it almost makes me want glasses, keyword almost. Things are good. I hope all is well with you, too. Good night.
Who needs backup these days, really? Well, it appears that I fall into that category. The other day I was modifying my blog to add Wifey's video clip and inadvertently screwed up my whole webpage. Unfortunately, I did not have a backup of the html code that I desperately needed to restore my site, so I was forced to completely rebuild from the ground up. Ugh. After about two hours I had everything back up and running, and the first thing I did was backup my handiwork. I am now prepared for any trouble, self-inflicted or otherwise, to befall my lovely blog. As you might imagine, this lesson will not be soon forgotten. It is tempting in this day and age of computer reliance to forget that these machines are only as good as the people who make and use them. Excellent as we may be, there is always the factor of humanness that throws a wrench into the best-laid plans. Speaking of plans, I am going to upload some fantastic photos of the undisputed blogstar Annabelle, so be sure to click back soon!
The Wifey really knocked everyone's socks off at trivia tonight. She had the whole audience laughing and interested the whole time. What a card! The restaurant was abnormally busy tonight and I am sure it had to do with the fantastic trivia night. I am very proud of Wifey. Nice Job! Check out her video to see what I'm talking about.Good night and god bless.
I walked outside today and was immediately greeted by small balls of hail. They made the ground sound like rice krispies. It was icy cold today and nasty all day long. Kind of a dreary start to spring. I hope this weather passes soon because I am ready for some warmer weather. Wifey is out at the eyeglass store because her frames have fallen apart. I don't know if it is wear, or the fact that Annabelle has become quite good as the old "glasses snatch and stretch". Either way, it is time for her to get some new specs. I am curious to see what style she chooses. Wifey is getting excited about hosting trivia night and there is a bit of buzz around the shop. I hope the turnout is good, because I am sure the host will be fantastic! Hope to see you there.
I formally retract all comments about the cat in my previous post. He is most certainly held in the highest regard by all who meow him. The dog, while loved, would have to smell of chocolate, type 120 wpm, fly a jet, win the lottery, poop gold bars, and pee the elixir of life to ever hope to be loved as meow as the cat. Only then can the dog possibly compare with the cat. Because the cat does all this and more. While they are sleeping. Goodnight meow.
MMMMWWWWRRRAAARRRRRR!!!! Meow, meow me ow MEOW! MEEEoooowwww! Me....ow. Meowmeowmeow meow meOW meOW Meeeeeeeeeooooowwwwww!!
Action! I found a new clip hosting site that actually works. Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to integrate it into my sidebar, so you will just have to enjoy it at the top. Somehow I think you will put up with it, since some video is better than none at all! Have fun and cookiecookiecookie.
Today I am feeling a little better, my throat barely hurts. I had a sinus headache for most of the day, a result of my congestion, no doubt. Despite feeling a bit run-down I got a lot accomplished today. I went through some boxes of stuff I had not opened in about 5 years and it brought back a lot of fond memories. After the boxes were consolidated and packed away, we went for an early dinner at our new favorite restaurant in Knoxville. Gringos go here instead. This place is AMAZING! We have eaten there three times in the past week, including one breakfast. Yes, a Cuban restaurant that serves breakfast! "We are trying to keep them in business" is the only rationalization for our frequent visits. Knoxville has never had a decent Cuban restaurant and this one is as authentic as it comes. They even serve ox tail! The roast lechon was increible...painfully delicious. I won't even tell you about the desserts, it would be unfair. You need to visit Taste of Havana immediately. Tomorrow I will be collecting the last of the belongings from the old house, which might just take me by A Taste of Havana for lunch. I wonder if they offer frequent diner discounts? Gotta get some sleep, have a good night. Yo, Rocky!
Well, things are beginning to settle down at the new house. Annabelle is still learning and changing daily. She rolled over of her own volition today, and is becoming quite strong. Wifey is out tonight and I am home sick. I have been fighting some tonsillitis the last few days. I am feeling a little better, hence the blogging. Also, I find myself avoiding too much talking because it is a little uncomfortable to swallow. I am taking some antibiotics which are working and should have me feeling better soon. That is good news because spring is almost here in Knoxville. I predict we will have one more cold snap and then we are headed for nice weather. Can't wait to get outside and enjoy all the blooming going on. The Bradford Pears are out and the Redbuds have started. The azaleas and Dogwoods are coming soon! I thoroughly enjoy this time of the year and hope to get some outdoor pics up soon. Good night all.
I have had enough. I have removed my Vsocial link and videos because the service they provide is not worth the cost....pretty bad for a free service. I will be on the hunt for another hosting service for video clips, so if anyone has any favorites that are reliable please let me know! In the meantime I will try to get some pics up to offset the lack of other media. Have a great day--more to come soon.
out like a lamb? It's now March and things are falling into place. The old house is ready for sale(thanks Nanna and Granddad) and things have simmered down a bit. It has been a tough, but incredibly worthwhile couple of weeks for la familia Garcia. One thing is clear, those flipthisproperty shows grossly skew the reality of preparing a house for sale. It took roughly 100 manhours between four people to get it ready for showing and there is still more to be done. We all feel that we have done everything possible to prepare the property, which is a good feeling and wonderful confidence-builder. I am going to try to get some pictures of our handiwork to show off our finished product tomorrow. Until then, be satisfied with pictures of our beautiful daughter and good night!