Thursday, March 30

It ain't over...

..but I think I hear the fat lady warming up backstage. I went over to the old house for the last time today to pick up the only remaining belongings from the shed. The neighbors seem excited about the new tenants and we are ready to get a settlement check. Tomorrow at five we will meet to finish the process and sign our old house away. I felt a twinge of nostalgia and sadness looking at our first house for the last time. Wifey does not share that sentiment--in her words "My favorite thing about this house is the SOLD sign in the yard!" All told it was a smooth process and everything went by quickly. Now we can truly relax and enjoy our new home. Today was by far the nicest day of the year and I took full advantage. I mowed our new lawn for the first time and spent some time on the new deck with Wifey. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, but I will believe it when I see it--as they say in the valley, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute!" I just finished watching The Village by M. Night Shyamalan and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I know some critics have given it less than stellar reviews, but I suggest you put all that nonsense aside and watch it with an open mind. I am sure you will enjoy. Don't forget the popcorn!


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