Today I am feeling a little better, my throat barely hurts. I had a sinus headache for most of the day, a result of my congestion, no doubt. Despite feeling a bit run-down I got a lot accomplished today. I went through some boxes of stuff I had not opened in about 5 years and it brought back a lot of fond memories. After the boxes were consolidated and packed away, we went for an early dinner at our new favorite restaurant in Knoxville. Gringos go here instead. This place is AMAZING! We have eaten there three times in the past week, including one breakfast. Yes, a Cuban restaurant that serves breakfast! "We are trying to keep them in business" is the only rationalization for our frequent visits. Knoxville has never had a decent Cuban restaurant and this one is as authentic as it comes. They even serve ox tail! The roast lechon was increible...painfully delicious. I won't even tell you about the desserts, it would be unfair. You need to visit Taste of Havana immediately. Tomorrow I will be collecting the last of the belongings from the old house, which might just take me by A Taste of Havana for lunch. I wonder if they offer frequent diner discounts? Gotta get some sleep, have a good night. Yo, Rocky!
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