Almost there
Today my friend Matt and I retrieved the second to last load of belongings from the old house. I needed a hand because it is not so easy to move a refrigerator alone. However, we found it is really easy with two people. Now all that remains is the bench seat from my truck which will be gone soon and we will be completely finished with the old house....well, not completely. We still have to go to the closing on Friday to finalize the sale and get the long-awaited settlement check--look out furniture stores, we are coming for you! Once this weekend rolls around we should be a bit more relaxed. It has been a whirlwind of changes this year and we could all use the break. The weather is finally taking a turn for the warmer and the next few days should be fabulous and sunny. I am even beginning to think about golf recently, so things must be getting back to normal. Annabelle is getting cuter every day, as evidenced by the most recent pictures. Wifey picked up her new specs today and they look really good on her, it almost makes me want glasses, keyword almost. Things are good. I hope all is well with you, too. Good night.
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