Thursday, November 16

Promises, promises

Hi all, the Wizard is back! I know blogging has been sporadic recently..things have just gotten the better of me and my time. Now that I have a breather, I suppose I should give an abridged update. Annabelle is doing great and we are sleeping a little easier knowing that the CAT scan was clear. She is learning so quickly and developing into a fabulous little girl. Like mother, like daughter. She even got her first haircut this week. Such a cutie. Work has been challenging recently, but in a good way. I just try to remember that the trials and tests are ultimately helping me to improve my performance. I have been playing a bit of indoor soccer and was progressing well until I sustained a knee strain last week. I think I will sit out this week and take advantage of the extra week of rest during Thanksgiving. Speaking of the holidays, we are incredibly excited to have our family coming to spend time with us throughout the season. What a treat it will be to celebrate our first Thanksgiving and Christmas in the new house with our loved ones! Cassidy has completely recovered from the surgery on her bladder and is one healthy pooch. Sasha is living it up as usual and sneaking into the bedroom more often at night. He must have some new system working that we have yet to discover. Cats. I hope you are doing well and look forward to meeting up again soon. Watch out for pictures!

Saturday, November 11


Wow, so I haven't posted in quite a while. Things have been busy for the Wizard and I am just starting to get used to the routine. I hope you are healthy and keeping your heads above water. I look forward to posting more later. Until then, have a great Saturday and adios!


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