Tuesday, August 2

Baby Time!

The deck is stripped, the bags are packed, and the birthing time is here. Wifey and I have decided to have our pregnancy induced and are going to have our little daughter soon. This afternoon we are going to the hospital to check Wifey in and get her situated in her room. Early tomorrow morning she will have her epidural put in and the synthetic hormone Pitosin administered to initiate labor. The whole process lasts an average of 12 hours, after which our baby should be entering the world for the first time. I will try to keep you updated as best as possible, but if I don't I am sure you will understand. I will get the pics of Annabelle up as soon as possible, so get ready to have a massive cuteness attack. I have to run to work this morning, so have a great day and stay tuned for baby!


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