Thursday, July 28

Empathy anyone?

So it has been a few days since I have posted anything and I bet you are all getting a little anxious for my next entry. Don't fret, the hiatus had a purpose and I am happy to say that my little experiment is over. By now I am sure you have a little taste of what Wifey and I are going through on a daily basis. Waiting for something that you know will happen eventually(my next post), but every day seems to drag on because it has not occurred yet! Now that the waiting is finally over, you are incredibly happy and relieved to read this post....similar emotions to the ones we will surely feel when our baby decides to stop dilly-dallying and COME OUT ALREADY! I am rapidly running out of random homeowner projects to occupy these interminable days of anticipation. If Annabelle takes any longer, I will have to start working on the neighbor's houses! Wifey is uncomfortable to the max and the belly is in full effect these days. We are staying inside to avoid the record-breaking heat that most of the east coast is experiencing. Today was a little cooler thanks to last night's rainstorm, so I ventured out for some deck cleaning. Weather and baby permitting, I will be refinishing it tomorrow and we will have a gorgeous deck for the mosquitoes to enjoy! Have a great evening and you can start anticipating my next!


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