Friday, April 21

Got Guinness?

After all the errands were done yesterday, Wifey called me and asked what I wanted to eat for dinner. It was a little overcast with the occasional drizzle; the kind of day that begs for comfort food. I only pondered a moment before suggesting corned beef and cabbage as our entree. After stopping by the store for the necessary ingredients(and a few Guinness, of course), I headed home. As we prepared to cook our meal, I remembered seeing a recipe somewhere for corned beef that involved Guinness. I hunted for it briefly on the internet and came across this gem. After some minor modifications we started the cooking and then sat down to enjoy the rest of our day. Three and a half hours later we were enjoying the most delicious meal imaginable. If you are ever in need of fantastic rainy day food, look no further. Our changes: We did not brown/sear the brisket, we roasted the meat and liquid and onions and garlic in the oven at 325 for 2 hours and 45 minutes, after the meat was done we removed it to a plate to cool and added the cabbage, carrots, diced new potatoes, and parsnips. We turned up the heat to 400 and cooked the veggies in the broth for about 35-45 minutes. No sauce reduction, everything was perfect!


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