Monday, October 10

Four in a row!

Hey y'all, check this out....four posts in as many days! I may have gotten my mojo working again. Today was a good day, although mostly uneventful. Wifey and Annabelle are doing well and had a nice day together. I went to work and kept busy despite the lack of customers on Columbus Day. No, I am not going to point out how Chris stole land, victimized natives, and was a generally horrible person. I think a better tack is to celebrate a man who exemplifies independent thought and bravely embarked on ill-advised journeys into the unfathomed abyss. It takes some stones to set sail into uncharted waters with SAILING OFF THE EARTH as an possible outcome. Sure, we know better know, but imagine the strength of character it would have taken to lead three ships into the unknown for months with a crew of 15th century sailors(not the most educated or least superstitious compadres, BTW). Add to that a dwindling food supply and no hope of rescue if you don't reach your unknown destination, and you have an idea of the daily challenges our favorite Genoan faced on his puddle crossing. Not for the faint of heart indeed. I wonder what he would think about what we have done with the place. I think I'll stick to the Fathomable Depths for now! Well that is all I have for you tonight, so enjoy it while you can. Tomorrow is another day.


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