Triple P-Parents Partying in Public
Good morning peeps, the Wizard is here to rock your world. Last night the Wifey and I got a hankerin' for a good old fashioned street concert, so we loaded up the car and headed for Market Square in Knoxville. This was the venue for the Autumn in the City concert series. We have not been to any other events like this in Knoxville, so since the weather outside was quite cool, we headed out to experience some nightlife. The musical act was called the Brazilian Girls, although there was only one girl, and we were too far away to tell if she was Brazilian. They were loud and energetic and the lead singer gyrated around in an angelic-sleeved outfit while the band pumped out all kinds of sounds. We saw an incredibly diverse group of people at the event and it was a great slice of socialization. We saw a lot of other young parents with Baby Bjorns on like us. The place was clean and well-organized and except for the cigarette and cigar smoke that was hard to avoid. We had a lot of fun swaying to the tunes and Annabelle had a really good time attending her first concert. Today the weather is spectacular, so we are going outside to play in the fall breeze. Hopefully the weather will be good next Thursday so we can sneak out again to see Blues Traveler at the square. Oh, and the best's all free! Go Vols!
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