No skewl means cheaper fyuwell
On this blog I try to keep my political views to a minimum and in the spirit of remaining sensible in a time of national emergency, I have refrained from passing any judgment on how our government responded to the catastrophes that have befallen this great country. I learned about something today that is so disturbing, however, that I must temporarily modify my commentary policy. It came to my attention that President Bush has commended Georgia governor Sonny Perdue for his actions in averting a "gas crisis". So just what did ol' Sonny do to deserve the Presidential tip o' the cap? Why, he decided to cancel school for a few days! Why not save the gas it would cost to use the bus system for two days and take a couple of early "snow days". So that's exactly what he did! Why did he feel this is a good idea? Well, as we all know, there is a supposedly a run on diesel gas in the making? Whatever will we do when we can't fire up our tractors and heavy machinery because our greedy, gas-wasting children insist on riding the bus(read--MASS TRANSIT!) to school to learn some stuff?! Way to go Sonny! Good choice letting parents know Friday afternoon that they need to find daycare for their children for two workdays so you can save some gas for the rest of the state! So what did the majority of parents do about these unexpected holidays? Well, the stay-at-home parents loaded up their SUV's and drove their kids to the malls in record numbers today. The parents that had to work ended up calling in sick or taking days off to care for their kids, impacting the workforce a bit. The people without children took notice of these drastic measures and filled up their vehicles, exacerbating the supply strain. And the children? Well, they have a couple of days to learn that the State of Georgia, Sonny Perdue, and President Bush care more about a temporary fuel cost increase than childrens' educational needs. With all of this posturing about cutting "pork project spending" to offset the costs of reconstruction and recovery, it is painfully evident what is considered expendable. Besides, children don't vote and nobody listens to kids anyway. You'll thank Sonny and Dubya when it costs $5.15 less to fill the tank this week. Hey, that's about what your uneducated child will be earning per hour if they are lucky enough to work at McDonald's! Way to go.
A finely-sharpened rant that brought an issue forward that didn't make it over to the Pacific Northwest via the traditional (read corporate) news outlets.
I really liked the last post about the recipe. A chapter out of a memoir perhaps?
8:17 AM, September 27, 2005
Glad you enjoyed the last few posts. I will be doing my best to keep it flowing steadily. The tomatoes are delicious! Definitely memoir-worthy.
El Wizard
5:47 PM, September 27, 2005
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