Beg your Pardon
I'm sorry. I know it has not been fair lately. You've been a good reader and devoted fan and you deserve better. Don't worry, its not you; it's me. I could rattle off a few plausible excuses as to why his post is so late, but it wouldn't really matter, would it? If you are a true believer, you are reading this. If not, you're at some other website right now learning about killer earthworm movies or Homestar Runner. Since you are here I will keep it short and get to the good stuff quickly. Annabelle said her first word in Spanish two days ago. gato. She now says night-night when I put her to bed and it is amazing. When she gets super-excited she clenches her fists, tenses her whole body, and vibrates while shooting a mischievous grin that can only be described as deliciously maniacal. She is growing so quickly it is hard to believe she will be a year old next month. Wifey needs the laptop, so I have to run. Thanks for believing.
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