Friday, May 13

When the bough breaks

This morning we woke up to an unfamiliar sound. It sounded like a slow tumbling followed by a loud thud. It was quite close to our bedroom window and startled us both from deep slumber. After throwing on some clothes, I headed outside to investigate the scene. Once outside I noticed a large branch from our neighbor's 80 foot silver maple tree laying across the road. It had fallen parallel with his driveway and completely demolished his mailbox. The branch ended up about 12 feet from the back of my pickup truck. I helped John clear his driveway and saw up a few of the smaller offshoots so he could get to work. We were fortunate no one was injured by the collapsing lumber, as it would have smushed anything in its path. The limb was not dead but had what appeared to be some water damage. It was covered in leaves and appeared otherwise healthy, so I suppose you never can tell when the bough is about to break. At least now we know which treetop to avoid when rocking Annabelle! Have a great night and watch out for falling trees.


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