Saturday, June 14

Well, we've survived the first week of new baby. Things have been going well. Wifey is healing nicely and Sabrina has fallen into a regular routine of eat, poop,sleep,poop,eat some more,sleep and poop at the same time,eat,and poop again. She has christened all of her caretakers with both functions thoroughly. We have each developed our individual strategies for dealing with the barrages. I prefer the ol' "dirty diaper fake out" and am experiencing a high degree of success. My method involves going through all the steps of a normal dirty diaper removal, save the actual removal. Hence the baby is led to believe that she is resting on a pristine, unsoiled changing table cover. Upon believing she is in direct contact with a surface that we definitely do not want used as a toilet, she performs her duties(doodys?) with unparalleled vigor. She has begun to adjust to my creative maneuvering and thwarted my plan tonight. I refer to her response as "Shock and Awe" or the "Top-Off". She simply filled said diaper to its utter capacity. Seriously, the thing was like holding a boomerang. Oh well, enough of that. I hope you are all doing well and getting ready to watch the Celtics stomp some Kobe tomorrow. I have also been religiously watching Euro Cup soccer as well, which makes not playing much more poignant. I have been trying to keep my fitness level up, but I can feel the difference without the soccer workout. I have taken to working out at a fitness station I discovered near work. It is a nice way to spend a few minutes outdoors and shift to play mode. I haven't been on monkey bars or parallel bars in years. Boy are my manboobs sore! Here's to hoping you find simple pleasures and hidden gems that enrich your life and make you joyful. Have a great evening.


Blogger Pudd said...

Congratulations on the new family member! Glad to see everyone is doing well.

Much love from Louisiana,

1:38 PM, June 16, 2008

Blogger Kronski said...

Man, with all that set up of the Poopy Fake out, I thought you were going to tie basketball and pooping together, as in, I faked out Sabrina from pooping on clean diapers just like the Celtics are going to do to Kobe...

Oh well.. haha, glad to hear all is well.



6:03 PM, June 16, 2008


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