Tuesday, February 28


Well, I have all but written off blogging for this month. This has certainly been my least productive time period as it pertains to blogging. There have been a lot of other things going on so I am sure you will forgive me. The kitchen has been almost completely assembled and looks spectacular. I am excited for all this craziness to be over so I can get back to cooking and relaxing a bit when I get home, but for now there is a lot that remains to be finished. Since the new house is in a livable condition, the focus has shifted to preparing the old house for sale. We are hoping to have it ready for showing this weekend, but that means mucho trabajo for yours truly. Luckily, Wifey's parents(a.k.a.-M.I.L. and Raynolfo) are in town and have generously provided some much-needed manpower and babysitting assistance. Thank you mucho! Tomorrow I will be finishing off my workweek and starting my landscaping duties at our old abode. Fortunately, the weather should be mild and conducive to working in the yard like a Mexican on amphetamines. So now I am going to kick my feet up, crack open a beer, and enjoy tonight's episode of The Shield. Gotta relax when you can in this crazy thing called life.

P.S.-Got a little sad today when I realized I will most likely not be here to enjoy America's tricentennial. Funny how mortality sneaks up on you in the weirdest ways. Hmmm.


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