Talk to the Hand!
As my loyal audience may have noticed, I neglected to post any musings yesterday. Please don't interpret this as a lack of interest in this blog, as I was kidnapped by a band of Pygmy taxidermists and I had to spend the entire day convincing them I was not on my deathbed! Just kidding, I experienced an unfortunate incident yesterday at, of all places, the golf course. I managed to scoot out of work in time to play about an hour of golf in a hasty but enjoyable manner. Unfortunately my better judgment was temporarily absent when I found my ball lying (fathomably) deep in some damp rough. Since I was not playing a tournament and the course was absent of witnesses, the correct play would have been to use a hand or foot wedge and extricate my ball from it's grassy slumber and position it in a more favorable location. Instead, I decided to swing a purposeful pitching wedge and subsequently wrenched my hand/wrist in a most uncomfortable manner. After spitting out a few expletives, which did nothing to alleviate the growing pain in my right hand, I decided that the best course of action would be, you guessed it, to continue golfing! I made it through two more holes, scoring a bogey and a par, before deciding to revise my analysis and go home to nurse my wounded hand and pride. In order to avoid further injury I decided the best thing to do was rest my hand and this is the reason for the absence of new posts yesterday. The hand is still a little painful today so I have cancelled my tee time and replaced it with an appointment to see a hand specialist at the local orthopedic center. Not my favorite way to spend a day off, but it is a heck of a lot better than being stuffed and mounted! I will keep you updated on the happenings today, although my typing speed will be greatly reduced. Hopefully the doctor will tell me it is just a sprain, but if the worst happens, please send my remains to those nice Pygmies so they can prepare me for posterity. Anyone have some extra space on their study wall?
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