Hmmmm. Its been a while so I figured I would run through the general updates. I am well--unscathed by my bear encounter of late. Cool pics, though?! Wifey is fabulous as ever--sporting her new 'do and with flair to spare. Annabelle is at the point where she makes dramatic changes almost daily. So smart. In a complete role reversal, she has taken to singing "Twinkle, twinkle little star" to us both several times a day. She was running around in her Union Jack tank today when I came home from work, and it was just about the cutest thing ever. Almost as cute as when she cheers me on when I play soccer(Go Daddeee, Go DADDIIIEE, GO!!! KICK-A-BALL!!!) Speaking of soccer, my team made a drastic improvement this session, finishing fourth after a ninth place finish last session. The new session starts this week and I am looking forward to improving my stat line. First session=1 Own Goal. Second Session=2 Goals(yes, both on the OTHER team). Third Session=Nine goals(six in one night--Double hat trick, baby!) By my calculations I should conservatively score about 19 goals this time if the trend continues! I will continue to be happy with just getting more playing time and losing more weight. Next week I will be going back into the wilderness since my black bear encounter. I am really at ease since the experience--almost like the fear of seeing a bear was worse than the actual experience. Don't misunderstand, I WILL be the fastest thing in the forest if I see young cubs, but I feel like the bears and I have achieved a certain level of maturity in our relationship. I don't act like an idiot, and they refrain from killing me. At least for now.
Things I have learned recently:
Trekking poles work well after you get used to them, which is just before you get back to the car.
You should only hike as fast as Mother Nature allows, and watch out for the unexpected!
Knee injuries can linger for a while.
Sometimes my best shots can be blocked by an alert goalie.
Kids ROCK!
Unicycles are always cool, no matter who/where you are.
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