Friday, June 2

The gloves are off!

I am mad. Just plain angry. I used to be the number two result when I Googled "Fathomable Depths", but now I seem to have dropped off the charts. It is probably due, in part, to my sporadic posting habits as of late, but that is no excuse. What's a Wizard to do? I suppose this is the cosmos telling me to get off my kiester and blog more--give the people what they want! So be it. Today I played golf for the third time this year. Badly. I could blame it on the heat or my failure to stretch beforehand, but in the end I assume full responsibility for my poor play. The course was neat and picturesque, except for the part by the lake that was riddled with goose poop. Man, those things can make a mess faster than Annabelle and Cassidy put together. Speaking of those two, Annabelle was investigating Cassidy's box earlier today. She couldn't figure out the door mechanism, but she got a kick out of messing with the dog's precious nest. Wifey is at work and the baby is asleep so I have the house to myself. I don't really know what to do with myself tonight since I have seen all the episodes of The Office(my new favorite TV show--the American version--I tried but couldn't stomach that British stuff). Now I have to find all new shows to watch since all my favorite shows are on hiatus. Any suggestions? If things get too desperate, I may have to read a BOOK! Oh well, I guess I can always blog :-) Next weekend a couple of friends are coming in town to visit and I am already getting excited. We have enjoyed a bunch of houseguests since moving into our new digs and it has been fantastic. I can't imagine how we could have accommodated these visitors in our previous abode. One of the many perks of more square footage! Well, my typing callouses are wearing thin so I will have to sign off for now. Have a great evening and IMPEACH GEORGE BUSH!(Hee hee-Happy Birthday Ray!)


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