The ones that didn't get away
If you think this is big, you should see this one. In case you were wondering who caught the biggest fish of all time, it's Alfred Dean. Here's his fish tale: "The four largest fish ever caught on a rod and reel were taken by one Alfred Dean. Each fish was a great white shark, and each weighed more than a ton. Off the Australian coast, Dean laid down a trail of whale oil and steer blood from his boat to draw the sharks within casting range. He awoke one night at 2 a.m. to hear and feel an enormous presence banging and shaking the hull of his boat. By the next morning, he had landed a white shark 16 feet long and weighing 2,333 pounds. After landing a still-heavier great white less than a year later, Alfred Dean in 1955 caught a 1,600-pound shark. He attached this fish to his boat and used it for bait. A giant appeared in the sea to attack the smaller shark. Dean landed that one, too, a 2,536-pound great white. " His biggest catch was a 2,664 lb Great White. Whew, those are some big fish!
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