Monday, May 16

I've got an itch to scratch

Hello my networthy companions, the Wizard is back again. This time I am in the throes of an all-out itchfest courtesy of everyone's favorite foliage, the insidious Poison Ivy! I have made it twenty-nine years without ever experiencing the misery of the red welts that beg to be scratched constantly, but apparently my reprieve is over. I must have gotten into a patch of it during some inebriated blundering at Bachelorfest 2005, because my lower legs and left arm are now adorned with my red badges of careless stumbling. At least it doesn't look as bad as these poor souls (those with weak stomachs may want to skip the previous link). I have been treating it with Calamine lotion, Benadryl, Solarcaine, and a blow dryer(which relieves the itching for about 2-3 hours). I have had limited success with all three products, but it seems I am going to be afflicted with this for about two more weeks. Apparently poison ivy is not nearly as widespread in Florida as it is in Tennessee which may explain my inexperience with this infirmity. Oh well, at least the mosquitoes here aren't quite as bad. I also came across some comments made by Vicente Fox that may cause a little unrest in the minority community, but not nearly as much as the Newsweek article will elicit. They can retract it all they want, but it seems akin to trying to unring a bell. Good intentions, but the damage has been done. See what Glenn Reynolds & Co. has to say about it. Oh well, I guess it's just another day in the world of irresponsible journalism. As for Vicente's blubberings, the consensus seems to be that it is not necessarily untrue, just improper for a President to vocalize. Seems like Mexico has a way to go in terms of political correctness. But then again, don't we all? Good night and enjoy 24 tonight at 9pm est!


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