Monday, October 16

Sensory Memory

The song began to play on the sound system and the reminiscence begins abruptly. I wasn't standing in front of the ovens with cornmeal in my shoes anymore, the sensory memory instantly transported me across time and space. Suddenly I was briskly descending the mountainside with the icy winter air burning the spots of skin that peek out of the fabric barriers surrounding my body. My speed increases steadily as the exhilaration washes over me. I feel like I am flying. Not like a bird, safely gliding up in the sky with miles of room to turn lazy circles, but like the fictitious MiG 31 in the movie Firefox--at Mach 5 with afterburners blazing, mere meters above the ground. The goosebumps multiply and I feel positively giddy as the sights and smells of the snow-covered mountain come back in a flood of recollections. Strictly speaking I should not be wearing headphones while skiing. It's a big no-no, but I've never been one to toe every single line. Besides, I'm totally rocking out. I am deliriously happy and enjoying the experience thoroughly when the song ends and all the thrills of blasting through the fresh snow slip from my consciousness too soon. I feel the rush of endorphins recede, releasing my muscles from their involuntary tension. Whew. That was intense. Glad I wore my headphones that day. Note to self--need to book a ski trip ASAP!


Blogger Kronski said...

Hey hey,

Fantastic piece of writing, bro. You kept it on the body, and in the moment.

I am right there with you, and I'm not even that much of a ski-er...


8:04 PM, October 17, 2006


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