Saturday, July 15

Billy Ocean opens for Lionel Richie

Good evening eveybody, the Wizard is in effect and ready to answer your every question. I don't claim to have all the correct answers, but I will certainly hazard a guess. So go ahead people, ask the Wizard a question. To submit questions, just click the part that says comments below and type away. You don't have to register, just remember to type in the weird characters. Your question will be answered in due time. Now a question* for you...There is a concert coming to town that you simply cannot miss. Who would be the opening and headlining acts** of the show? *There is no right answer**Acts must currently have all members living
submit your questions and answers NOW!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony Bennett & Rod Stewart


9:49 AM, July 16, 2006

Blogger The Wizened Wizard said...

Thank you MIL, nice choices. For those of you calling foul, Mil further specified that Tony and Rod would have to fight to determine who would headline the show. Personally, I think Tony would totally take Rod Stewart to Chinatown and buy him an eggroll if those two ever came to fisticuffs. Plus he's a great painter!

5:10 PM, July 16, 2006

Blogger Kronski said...

Wilco and Radiohead, a show so big in my heart it probably wouldn't fit!

6:29 PM, July 16, 2006

Blogger The Wizened Wizard said...

Nice one. Radiohead-lining, I assume?

9:17 PM, July 16, 2006

Blogger Kronski said...

Oh yeah, but it would have to be more of a double bill..

Radiohead have had a 'hit' afterall,

What is your dream lineup and who would have the pleasure of headlining for whom?

11:55 AM, July 17, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

adrienne says weezer and ben lee, but maybe liz phair or ween or cure or soemthing. too many to mention. think i'll stick with the first 2.

5:27 PM, July 17, 2006

Blogger The Wizened Wizard said...

Jimmy Buffett opening up for the Rolling Stones. Now THAT'S a show!

11:07 PM, July 17, 2006

Blogger The Wizened Wizard said...

The Stones circa 1965, of course

11:10 PM, July 17, 2006

Blogger Kronski said...


How about the worst double-bill show?

Weird Al Yankovic & Michael Bolton?

10:02 AM, July 18, 2006


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