Home Alone
The house is quiet and the bed somehow seems larger. The baby monitor is turned off and there are no bottles on the counter. What is going on? The Wifey and Annabelle have left me alone and taken an airplane flight east. Not to worry, we will be reuniting soon in Maryland to spend the holidays with Wifey's side of our ever-expanding family. The eminent Dr. Kronski and his wife J-Net have made the journey from the opposite coast and I am excited to see them. We have not laid eyes on each other since their wedding and I can't wait to see them with the little one. Watch out you two, those things are highly contagious! Work has been a little challenging as of late, but everything seems to be settling down thanks to some hard work and managerial wizardry, natch. So what am I doing with my time while I'm playing zookeeper? Nothing too exciting, just watching tv and trying to enjoy as much uninterrupted sleep as humanly possible. I did learn about an interesting new hobby/activity called geocaching. Finally, technology is being used to make us MORE active instead of bolting us to the furniture. I really like the idea of a worldwide treasure hunt and this sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I have a sneaky suspicion this adventure idea may have been developed by the GPS manufacturers themselves, but maybe just that's my inner conspiracy theorist typing. I'll have to wait to experience geocaching until I get a GPS unit, so as soon as that happens, I'll let you know. I may have to buy some stock in Garmin if this thing keeps growing. Well, I am ready for bed so I have to wind it down. Hope this post finds you happy and healthy.
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