Saturday, June 4

Back in the Saddle

Hello my loyal webcrawlers, the Wizard is here with another morsel of randomness for you. I have recovered from the effects of jet-lag and am finally functioning on all eight cylinders(although my gas mileage is still horrible). What does this mean for you? Well, for starters, it means I will be resuming my normal schedule of blogging. I have recently had a case of blogger's remorse--evaluating the blogworthiess of each potential post and rejecting all of them as inconsequential. Then I realized....ALL MY POSTS ARE INCONSEQUENTIAL!! So what they heck, I'm just going back to my previous method of posting anything and everything and letting you sort through the muck to find something that you find redeeming and blogworthy. Good luck, it may be a difficult search:-) I have just finished mowing the lawn and I am happy to report that I have leveled several poison ivy seedlings. Now that I have become better at identifying the plants, I derive some twisted pleasure out of spotting and destroying them. Don't worry, I immediately took a shower just in case. I am a little tired from the yardwork so I think I will treat myself to a delicious fermented beverage and watch a little boob tube. Have a great evening and don't get discouraged by inconsequentiality.


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